[1] How does the TV lift mechanism work?

They are fully electric, meaning you push a button on a key fob and the TV will appear.

[2] Do I need an aerial?

You can use a main aerial, a portable aerial, or stream content with a Smart TV via Wi-fi

[3] What size TVs can be accommodated?

Our King TV Beds can handle TV's up to 55″

[4] Are TV beds difficult to install?

No, we install the bed for you.

[5] How much storage space is available?

Approximately a King TV bed with Ottoman storage has the same space as four extra large suitcases.

[6] What types of mattresses can be used with a TV bed?

There are no restrictions on what type of mattress you want to use.

[7]How do you maintain and clean a TV bed?

The same way you clean any type of bed, A TV bed is no different.

[8] What warranty and after-sales support is offered?

Our King TV beds come with a 5 year free warranty.