King TV Beds With Ottoman Storage

Elevate your bedroom experience with our King TV Beds with Storage, where luxury meets functionality in the heart of your personal sanctuary. Our collection of King size Ottoman beds are meticulously designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life, combining the grandeur of a king-sized bed with the modern convenience of an integrated TV lift mechanism and ample storage space.

Each bed in this category is crafted to perfection, offering a sophisticated solution for entertainment and organization without compromising on style or comfort. The built-in TV lift system allows you to effortlessly conceal and reveal your television with the push of a button, ensuring your bedroom remains a serene retreat when it’s time to unwind. The generous storage compartments are ingeniously integrated into the bed’s design, providing a discreet and accessible place to store bedding, clothing, or personal items, keeping your space clutter-free and organized.

From contemporary to classic designs, our King TV Ottoman Beds offer plenty of storage with the Ottoman base built in, simply lift and open with the aid of four gas pistons doing the work for you!. Our King TV beds  feature a variety of styles and finishes to complement any bedroom décor, all available in the largest choice of colours, fabrics and textures anywhere in the UK. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, these beds are not only a statement of elegance but also a testament to durability and functionality.

TV beds equipped with features like Bluetooth speakers, USB charging ports, and mood lighting are designed to provide an unparalleled bedroom experience, transforming your sleeping area into a multi-functional entertainment hub. These advanced features not only enhance the practicality and convenience of your bedroom but also contribute to a more modern, luxurious lifestyle. Let’s delve into the key aspects of these high-tech TV beds:

Extra Features Available

Bluetooth Speakers

  • Immersive Audio Experience: Integrated Bluetooth speakers offer a seamless and wireless audio experience, allowing you to enjoy crystal-clear sound quality directly from your bed. Whether it’s watching movies, listening to music, or even receiving audio from mobile devices, these speakers elevate your entertainment experience without the clutter of extra wires.
  • Easy Connectivity: Connect your smartphone, tablet, or laptop via Bluetooth to play your favourite playlists, podcasts, or audiobooks, turning your bed into a personal entertainment centre.

USB Charging Ports

  • Convenience and Accessibility: With USB charging ports built into the bed, you can easily charge your devices overnight or while you relax. This feature ensures your essential gadgets are powered up and within reach, eliminating the need to stretch for distant outlets.
  • Supports Multiple Devices: Ideal for keeping smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and other USB-powered devices charged, ensuring you’re always connected and your devices are ready to use.

Mood Lighting

  • Ambiance and Comfort: Mood lighting integrated into the headboard can create a cosy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for winding down in the evening. Adjustable lighting allows you to set the tone of your room, whether you’re reading, watching TV, or just relaxing.
  • Customizable Settings: Our King size TV beds allow you to control the brightness allowing you to personalize your bedroom ambiance to your mood or activity.

Combining Entertainment and Comfort

  • All-in-One Solution: These features transform the bed into a central hub for relaxation and entertainment, providing everything you need within arm’s reach.
  • Space-Saving Design: By integrating entertainment and convenience features directly into the bed, these models save space, making them ideal for smaller rooms or for anyone looking to reduce clutter.

TV beds with Bluetooth speakers, USB charging, and mood lighting represent the pinnacle of bedroom furniture innovation. They cater to the needs of technology-savvy individuals and those who cherish convenience and luxury in their personal space, making every moment spent in the bedroom a truly special experience.

Discover the perfect blend of comfort, luxury, and practicality with a King size TV Ottoman bed. Transform your bedroom into a lavish retreat where you can relax, watch your favourite shows, and enjoy a clutter-free environment, all in the comfort of your king-sized haven.


  1. Space Efficiency: The Ottoman storage system provides ample space underneath the mattress, accessible through an easy-lift mechanism. This space is perfect for storing bedding, clothes, and other items, helping to declutter your bedroom and maximize the use of available space.
  2. Comfort and Size: A king-size bed offers generous sleeping space, allowing for comfortable movement and relaxation, which is particularly beneficial for couples or individuals who value extra room.
  3. Integrated Entertainment: The built-in TV lift mechanism seamlessly integrates entertainment into your bedroom without sacrificing space or style. Watch your favourite shows or movies from the comfort of your bed, with the ability to hide the TV when not in use to maintain a tidy and stylish look.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: These beds are designed with a focus on sleek and elegant aesthetics, often featuring luxurious materials and finishes that enhance the overall look of your bedroom.

Key Features

  1. Ottoman Storage: A large, hidden storage compartment beneath the mattress, easily accessible with a gas-lift or hydraulic lifting system, offering a practical solution for storage space without taking up additional floor area.
  2. Built-in TV Lift: A discreetly hidden TV lift mechanism that allows a television to be stored within the footboard and raised or lowered with the touch of a button.
  3. Durable Construction: Made with high-quality materials and robust construction techniques to ensure durability and support, accommodating the weight of the mattress, occupants, and the integrated TV mechanism.
  4. Customizable Designs: Available in a variety of styles, materials, and finishes, from leather to fabric, allowing for personalization to match your bedroom décor.
  5. Easy Assembly and Maintenance: Designed for straightforward assembly with minimal maintenance required, ensuring your bed remains a luxurious focal point of your bedroom for years to come.

King size Ottoman TV beds represent a fusion of functionality, luxury, and design innovation, making them a desirable choice for those looking to elevate their bedroom experience.


[1] How does the TV lift mechanism work?

They are fully electric, meaning you push a button on a key fob and the TV will appear.

[2] Do I need an aerial?

You can use a main aerial, a portable aerial, or stream content with a Smart TV via Wi-fi

[3] What size TVs can be accommodated?

Our King TV Beds can handle TV's up to 55″

[4] Are TV beds difficult to install?

No, we install the bed for you.

[5] How much storage space is available?

Approximately a King TV bed with Ottoman storage has the same space as four extra large suitcases.

[6] What types of mattresses can be used with a TV bed?

There are no restrictions on what type of mattress you want to use.

[7]How do you maintain and clean a TV bed?

The same way you clean any type of bed, A TV bed is no different.

[8] What warranty and after-sales support is offered?

Our King TV beds come with a 5 year free warranty.